The Generation of 'Too Many Choices'
Since very early in the millennium, it has been noted in many publications of the wide range of ages in the workplace. During these school years (from a perspective of a student completing grade school and entering college), the suspicions of the impact on the system did not start to sink in until way after the peculiar notices.
From students to adolescents/ new adults, these changes would start to take effect in many drastic measures. Though, coincidentally when you're young and hopefully busy preparing for roles in the workforce these drastic measures quickly fade into normalcy.
The art of being a school-aged child takes me back to the unfortunate, inexperience of parenting -being peers with other school-aged children with inexperienced parents. Not that they were inexperienced at parenting, but inexperienced in the expected measures to a new style of millennium parenting.
I actually learned the meaning of chores from other school-aged children, who actually discovered the meaning of technology from my adventures of being a school-aged child. Being the same age, close in age, or in the same grade of another child so far apart in steps of mental growth.
Luckily enough for us during this time, we had school as our primary grounds of stability.
Imagine a school-age child doing homework only at home, being friends with another child doing homework only at school, also being peers with a child having the ease of a technology source, or replacing that child with one also having the ease of entertainment in the form of the latest card games, devices, etc.
Imagine these same children staying friends for many years, in similar situations, yet now having unstable grounds as their primary source of stability in the effect of the growing wide age gap in the workplace ( or very different styles of teachings for the same grade. Not that the age of the teachers were drastically different but the effect that the age gap had over the entire system of the teacher's lives. In which would also play a role in the methods the teachers might have used to teach their pupils.
Throughout the many stories of individual success, often times it's glorified in the presence of providing a successful service. Requiring individual skills, one would consider, a leader would obtain from their various hardships, or time enduring activities throughout their quests for knowledge and applicable informative exchanges.
It's amazing how people learn to work with the dynamics of our future, though sometimes you might stop to think...
Are there too many choices for the average adolescent to process today?
Are we leading a Haunted System?
It's easy to tell a child, a student, a colleague, the expectations in which they are expected to use as a baseline for their future goals, or to place in a important spot in their agenda.
Yet it is also unacceptable in the milestones of personal development to tell a person the expectations in which they are expected to achieve.
This is the haunted system of the millennium in which an educated individual should find, absurd at the least.
I want to separate those prior peculiar notices into different categories.
The First Category
Awareness is a very distinct form of a human trait that is very over-rated and under-rated at the same time.
Being aware to anything is just like being extremely late to anything, no one could have prepared for the moment of any noticeable existence.
Why then would it be important to be aware at all?
This is why being aware is over-rated and contributes to the haunted system in which is leading the millennium. It's much more important to have prior knowledge and experience in everything that equips to the art of being able to accept the fact that there is awareness in everything.
Yet, instead of the leaders in all systematic measures communicating adequate amounts of knowledge in their fields of 'what to be aware of'- they only adhere to the small spaces in-between the systematic regulations.
This contributes to the haunted system in which is leading the millennium.
Being aware to everything is just like missing out on the best outing experience you can think of. You only really need to be aware to what you should have been aware to.
How is it possible to be aware to everything that matters all at once?
This is why being aware is so under-rated and contributes to the haunted system in which is leading the millennium. It's much more important to just listen, wonder, and keep mental awareness availability for yourself in hopes of it having the capability of any importance to the art of being able to accept the fact that there is anything to be aware of at all.
This contributes to the haunted system in which is leading the millennium.
Yet, instead of the leaders in all systematic measures communicating only the relevant knowledge in their fields of 'what to be aware of'- they only adhere to the small spaces in-between the systematic regulations to personalize their craft as a leader to an individualized system.
This contributes to the haunted system in which is leading the millennium.
The Second Category
Divisible Corrective Action
Division is not enough, Correction is not enough, Action is not enough.
Being knowledgeable on any subject does not offer the true support of true corrective action. Corrective action in this current millennium is ALMOST similar to supporting a lost cause. At the most extreme LOWEST comparison. It's more similar to the most ironic notion of given permission to participate in an act in which a corrective action must be performed.
This contributes to the haunted system in which is leading the millennium.
True corrective actions are defined by a multitude of comparisons of actions in which are divisible by many corrective measures. Yet, still there exists, the international peace and security of many regions.
This contributes to the haunted system in which is leading the millennium.
If one humankind really does exist, and I really do mean -if humans really exist... and I truly believe that they do...
Why are there so many comparisons in corrective measures?
But not enough people in the free-world region of the earth with the embedded desire to take the natural steps of corrective progress in the natural ages that this desire is supposed to exist?
Has a media form of what is suitable for leading and corrective action taken over the free-mind?
This contributes to the haunted system in which is leading the millennium.
Divisible Corrective Action should somewhat exist by now, it should be comparisons in the progressions of regulations and systematic mentoring in place by the fallen nature of the new millennium race by now....
Are we leading a Haunted System?
Are we leading a Haunted System?
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