The Common Ideologist in Education
Ideology or for the sake of this article: The educational mindset of an individual without also - the mindset of the dedications to one's governing investments.
Elementary 1.
The differences of the mindset of an individual who:
Can only determine their successful procedures by purely - A System of Education
Elementary 2.
The differences of the mindset of an individual who:
Can only determine their successful procedures by additionally - A System of Current Influencers
Successful Elementary Procedures: Admiring Foreign Dedications
It's not uncommon for parents to recognize their child's successful non-academic milestones. Though it's common for a society in governing investments to miss out on how these milestones co-exist in education.
Off-campus On-campus Connection Investment:[Service Remains Non-Existent]
For a parent to recognize their child's milestones is distinct from a teacher recognizing a child's milestones - Distinct from a child improving in their non-academic journeys while also recognizing how their academic responsibilities co-exist with their governing investment services: The future procedures and measures of their own society and their society's successful growth rate.
In the absence of a common lesson, a common influencer , or a common investing service (e.g.: Smartphone) a distant milestone of motor-cognition may or may not exist in
Elementary 1.
Elementary 2.
Bringing the illusion of successful effective methods in a system of education Or creating ....
The Common Ideologist in Education
If multiple children or multiple elementary minds were to co-exist off-campus in a common playful manner doing a common playful activity such as feeding or cooking. (e.g. playing in the sand) It's more likely that:
Elementary 1.
Will succeed in deciding the dynamics of the area (nearby -away from certain areas)
Elementary 2.
Will succeed in scenario amounts (adding water, sticks, and grass)
The Common Ideologist in Education
Might add the interests of boys vs girls: As feeding a friend's pet more interesting to girls and playing in the sand more interesting to boys.
Though a child might wonder:
Why did my friend not? (e.g. break down the grass into a suitable size or identical measurements)
Why did my friend do? (e.g. add only a certain amount of water, only feed the pet a certain amount of food, only treat the particular animal in such a fashion)
Off-campus On-campus Connection Investment:[Service Remains Non-Existent]
In admirable foreign governs of investments , though such a desired advanced system in education may not exist- it does exist to some degree in certain governing investments in many reputable services.
Influencing Journeys: The Domestic Challenges
There are many questions in the elementary mind that does reach throughout the ages of preteens and adolescence. In which many students search for (gaining very little, if any) answers only in the available investing forms from their favorite influencers or common influencing arts.
In return instead of answers, they are more likely to become close-minded due to their favorite influencers being only able to provide a platform from certain investing services or gain the hobbies of maintaining a portrait-like mindset to many questions related to:
Why did my favorite influencer do?
Why should my favorite influencer not?
The Common Ideologist in Education
Might add: In the absence of a common lesson, a common influencer , or a common investing service (e.g.: Smartphone) a distant milestone of motor-cognition may or may not exist at all
Does there exist an age where the mind permanently stops responding to the system of education? OR:
Elementary 1.
Elementary 2.
If this age does exist, .... what will be the outcome of successful measures taken pertaining to the domestic challenges we face as governing investors?
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