0MFQ Official Token

- Use Metamask or other wallet on PancakeSwap To exchange for 0mfq Token

Request 0MFQ Coin/Token:

-Login on 0mfq.com

[put 0MFQ wallet]
[ address at top of ]
[ your blog or article post ]

(coin) Article
-submit post to [front page]
-post approved and 0mfq coin rewarded.

(token) Blog
- simply create a blog post or introduction
- Admin sends tokens
- Any user can send tokens!

note: front page posts must be full post (average 200 words)

note: holding 1 0mfq coin in your wallet can be used as a 0mfq.com profile ID if you verify wallet address on
0MFQ Blockchain

user can increase profile rank and be listed in top users on 0mfq.com with 0mfq coins in wallet
» create coin wallet address

note: 0mfq Tokens can be exchanged on pancakeswap and new rewards and usd added to 0mfq.com reward options for users .





(BETA profiles now open for Username and Record Reserve)

Articles and Blogs

Select Artists

Add Token


0MFQ to your New Wallet!
0mfq coin
0mfq coin

MetaMask Wallet

PancakeSwap Exchange

Official Token: 0mfq

Select A Currency

Input Official Address of 0mfq Token On PancakeSwap


MetaMask Wallet


crytocurrency exchange

To get MetaMask Wallet you need to download extension.

- Chrome and Firefox, or on iOS and Android if you’re a mobile user.

_______ 0mfq coin

2. After Download Extension You have ETH wallet Default.
0mfq coin

0mfq coin

- Start with 0 ETH on Metawallet Default

0mfq coin


3.Go to settings (Add Network) RPC and input the Binance Network (Mainnet)
Official Binance Website

cryptocurrency 0mfq


-Binance Mainnet

Network Name: Smart Chain or "Binance Mainnet"

New RPC URL: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/

ChainID: 56

Symbol: BNB

Block Explorer URL: https://bscscan.com

- Start with 0 BNB
0mfq coin

[ Add Token ]


4 . Add Token


0MFQ to your New Wallet!

kid walking in wilderness on log in camo outfit

0mfq coin

Note: Your [ Account 1 ] address is your
'0mfq Wallet Address' to Receieve 0MFQ Token.

0mfq coin

Note:Create and save your passphrase to create password for your wallet
Do Not Lose Passphrase for your Wallet when you create ! That is your wallet funds.

kid walking in wilderness on log in camo outfit

0mfq coin

0MFQ Official Token

-Use Metamask or other wallet on PancakeSwap To exchange for 0mfq Token